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PSYCH-K®Basic course

At the Basic course you will learn all this:  

  • - the principles of PSYCH-K®
  • - how to communicate with your subconscious mind via Muscle Testing
  • - two different change processes: The New Direction Balance and The Resolution Balance
  • - to change the perception of stress into peace of mind
  • - to recognize limiting beliefs at the subconscious level
  • - to change limiting beliefs into supporting beliefs
  • - to create new beliefs
  • - to clarify beliefs in such a way that the subconscious mind will understand
PSYCH-K haukkalogo

All this in three days.

You will be ready to balance issues of your own life and release stress from any situation easily and fast.

You'll get a certificate of attendance so you'll be able to start helping others as well with PSYCH-K®!

The Basic Course is a prerequisite to all other PSYCH-K® courses.


The balances and possibility to practice

Tasapainotukset ja mahdollisuus harjoitella auttoivat minua. Tunnen oloni varmemmaksi menetelmän suhteen, käytän sitä saman tien. Raijan perehtyneisyys, suora puhe ja innostus auttoivat minua paljon."

The balances and possibility to practice 

"Balances and the possibility to practice were most useful for me"
I feel myself more certain with the method and will use it right away. Raija's acquaintance, direct speech and eagerness helped me a lot."
Hanna Rämö


Itsetestaus ja Tasapainotukset

"Lihastestin tekeminen itselleni ja itseni tasapainotus auttoivat minua. Raija ohjasi harjoituksia ja valaisi asiaa hyvin. Oloni on varma sen suhteen ja käytän PSYCH-K®:ta heti."

Self Muscle Testing and Balances

"Doing Muscle Testing with myself and balancing myself were most useful things for me. Raija directed well the practices and elucidated everything well.
I feel myself certain with all that I've learned and will use PSYCH-K® right away."
Antti Hänninen

Selkeät ohjeet

"Selkeät ohjeet ja alitajunnan muokkaaminen konkreettisesti olivat hyviä. Olen lukenut paljon teoriaa siitä ja tunnen, että ottanut askeleen eteenpäin seuraavalle tasolle. Raija oli luonnollinen oma itsensä."

Clear instructions

"Clear instructions and a way to modify the subconscious mind in a concrete manner. I have read a lot of theories about it and feel that I have stepped into the next level.
Raija was very natural as herself."

Henkilökohtaiset Tasapainotukset

"Henkilökohtaiset Tasapainotukset auttoivat minua paljon ymmrätämään tätä kaikkea. Raija on hyvä opettaja."

Personal balances

"Doing balances personally helped me a lot to understand better all this.
Raija is a good teacher."
Marja-Terttu Holmström

Kurssin kertaaminen kannatti

"Sain paljon luottamusta kertaamalla kurssin. Uskon, että käytän PSYCH-K®:ta kotona ja ystävien kanssa. Raijalla on niin paljon tietoa PSYCH-K®:sta: varmuutta, tietoa ja kokemusta.

Kiitos menetelemän innostuneesta jakamisesta!"

Repeating the course was worth the money

"I got much more confidence by repeating the course. I believe that I will use PSYCH-K® at home and with friends. Raija has such strong knowledge about PSYCH-K®: certainty, knowledge and experience.
Thank you for sharing this method in your enthustiastic way!"
Regina Skogberg

Tavoitteet ovat helppoja määritellä nyt

"Opin hienosäätämään tavoitteita. Lihastestaus tuntuu luontevalta ja luotan siihen, että osaan sitä käyttää. Harjoittelimme todella PALJON, se auttoi valtavasti! Raija on selkeä opetuksessaan ja antaa selkeät ohjeet!"

Goals are easy to define now

"I learned to specify the goals. Muscle Testing feels natural and I trust that I know how to do it. Good that we were put to practice A LOT, it was especially useful! Raija is clear in her teaching and gives clear instructions!"
Katja Hammarström

The easiness of balancing

"Yllätyin tasapainottamisen helppoudesta ja odotan näkeväni tuloksia niistä jutuista, joita kurssilla käsittelin. Olen pitkään"yrittänyt" ajatella positiivisesti, mutta se ei ole auttanut kaikessa. Jos jokin oli haastavaa, se selitettiin niin, että ymmärsin sen lopulta."

The easiness of balancing

"I was surprised of the easiness of balancing and expect for changes in things that we did the balances. I have for long time 'tried' to think positively, but it didn't work for everything. If something was challenging it was explained in a way that I finally understood."
Anni Turunen

Itseni tasapainottaminen tärkeissä asioissa

"Sain tarpeeksi aikaa keskittyä itseeni tasapainottaessa minulle tärkeitä asioita. Ajoitus ja tasapainoinen suhtautuminen osallistujiin olivat hyviä. Kiitos!" 

Balancing myself with important matters

"I got enough time to immerse myself in doing balances with the important issues.
Timing was good and an equal attitude towards participants. Thank you!"
Kirsti Autio

Harjoittelu heti demonstraation jälkeen oli hyvä

"Harjoittelu heti demonstraation jälkeen oli hyvä. Etenemisen vauhti oli sopiva."

Practicing right after the demonstration was good

"Practicing right after demonstrations was good. The speed of progressing was convenient."
Jaana Leino

"Tulin avoimin mielin ja pidin kaikkea tärkeänä."

"I came with an open mind so I think everything was important."
Katriina Pekkala

"Pidin siitä, että kysymyksille oli tilaa. Tunnelma oli rento. Kokonaisuus oli toimiva. Kurssin käyminen tuntui mukavalta ja kevyeltä."

"I liked the way of having enough time for questions. The atmosphere was easygoing. Overall the whole worked well. Taking this course felt nice and light."

Joonas Hirvelä

The whole counts. I learned to dig out some "memories", "truths" that my conscious mind wanted to hide form me. We solve things by facing them, after all.

Raija's personal touch was very useful for me.


I think that all parts of the course were useful because it was exactly what I was looking for.

Raija is very calm and experienced. She always had the answer to the questions ?

Alvar Vadi

"Doing balances with myself and the thorough handling of the things were the most useful for me." 

Ari Konkka

"All parts of the course gave new keys to be used. Giving examples helped me a lot."

Minna Koivula

Practicing and repeating

"What helped me a lot was repeating the basic things with different people and goal statements, and practicing. Personal experience as being the Partner also.

Raija's habit of repeating and putting us to practice were useful to me. I liked that I could ask questions in my own words and clarifying goals to the subconscious mind with The VAK to the Future."

Erja Lahdenperä

Personal practices and others experiences were helpful

"For me most useful things during the course were all the personal practices. You learn by doing.

Raija shared her own experiences and this helped me a lot."

Taina Siukola 

Sharing personal experiences

"Raija's own stories and sharing personal experiences with us were especially useful to me."

Jussi-Pekka Uusitalo

Renovating the material was good!

"I repeated the course because of the updates and I liked all of them. Especially useful to me was Raija's way of explaining everything verbally. I am just looking forward to the Master Facilitation Workshop!"

Tuija Räisänen

"To me most useful was a better understanding of the mind and how it works, and Muscle Testing. If something was unclear at first, it was easy to learn by practicing. It was easy to talk to Raija, she felt immediately approachable and interested. I liked her sharing her own personal experiences.

Veera Kuokkanen

"Self Muscle Testing methods and balancing the related goal statements were especially useful because I had problems with them."

Kirsi Pykälistö

" The practices were the most useful things to me and defining goal statements. Raija's professionalism helped me a lot."

Taina Siukola

Does this work for me? YES!

"I got the answer to the question that I had before attending to the workshop: Does this work on me? The answer is YES!

Raija is calm and you could feel that she has experience."

Jouko Juvonen, Stockholm

The more we learned and practiced, the more valuable it all became!

"The whole course is so valuable. Raija was very clear, practical and objective and made this all very very easy to understand for me. Her understandable way of helping me before attending the class was sweet. 

 I learned a lot from her. Now I am going to put into actions! Thanks, kiitos paljon!

Mariela del Fierro, Stockholm

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